Our Message and Our Mission

    Around the world, nature is rapidly being dissolved by deforestation and the human need for agricultural land. This desire has taken its toll on most of the earth's rainforests. Along with this self-centered act, comes the death of thousands of living organisms. Along with the deaths of those thousands of organisms, comes extinction. Yet, there is still hope. There are people who are trying to make a difference.  And with those efforts comes the shine of hope in this otherwise dark world we have shaped. Nature in general does stand a chance for survival. While there are people who are aiming towards protecting and conserving the earth's natural wonders, there are those who aim towards destroying it. Those people are the essence in life, the one obstacle that keeps nature enthusiasts from helping the last, diminishing beauty of our planet. But, with help from people, due to increasing world-wide concern on the destruction of nature, our planet's treasures do stand a chance in the fight to exist. People like Jeff Corwin, and Jane Goodall, dream every day of a world where man and nature co-exist. Their efforts, along with an abundance of other people from around the globe, are making sure that what's left of majestic nature and its inhabitants are here to stay, and ensure a spot into the future. And hopefully, one day, there really can be such a thing as a peaceful Utopia. But, until then, we humans have a long way to go.

~David Couto~   

                The Key to a Brighter Future

   There are people making a difference. At times we wonder, how can someone not want to help our earth? In many instances, that is the case. Question is: Why? Well, it is quite simple really. People do not want to accept the fact that the earth needs help. To some, it is too great of a task, and is at times a scary thought. This is understandable. Whatever one’s reason may be, one thing is certain: we must all help our planet. We have all contributed, and are currently contributing, to global-warming. If we do not halt its effects, we will lose countless amounts of valuable natural environment and incredible wildlife. “We can all make a difference.” These are the famed words of anthropologist and primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall, and you know something? She is absolutely right. We can all make a difference. Changing the planet starts with one individual at a time. Children are the key to our future. If we can inspire them to go out, and make a difference, then that little seed of eagerness will grow into a mighty tree, and spread its great wisdom and wiliness to help to others around it. Through speeches I have given to children, and hopefully will continue to give, I hope to influence them and give them the motivation to make a difference. To let them know that the future is in their hands, and they can make the world a better place for all living things.

~David Couto~